Hall Hook slate repair fixings are the market leading remedial repair hook, designed over a 20 year period by an experienced slating contractor who always wanted to have the perfect solution to an everyday roofing problem.
The Hall Hook is a permanent, secret and fail safe device that should be used when replacing a broken slate.
Product inventor Jimmy Hall, a slater and tiler for the past 45 years, couldn’t stand to see a beautiful slate roof covered in unsightly lead or copper straps. He had tried all the slate repairs on the market.
Some of the problems he encountered were:
Lead or copper straps are unsightly and can weaken over time
A blob of silicone is not a professional repair, it may only last weeks
Plastic products are visible, unsightly and time consuming to install
Some metal fixings are flimsy. Others take too much time, are awkward to prepare, and if wrongly prepared the head of the slate could slip off the upper batten.
Fixing with a slate hook involves trimming the head of the slate, thereby losing some head lap (a building inspector may not accept this)
So after experimenting with all manners of ideas and devices, Jimmy solved the slate roof repair problem with the invention of the Hallhook.
Supplied in pack of 10 hooks with 1 fixing “puller”